ukbbcanR_chronology: Identify chronological order of date of cancer diagnosis
This function takes main UK Biobank tab data and gives the required number of chronologically ordered cancer diagnosis dates.
- input
Path to the UK Biobank data file
- n
Number of cancer diagnoses to consider (default 1, first primary)
- min_date
The lower limit of cancer diagnosis (default: "")
- max_date
The upper limit of cancer diagnosis (default: "")
ukbbcanR_chronology(input="path/", n=1, min_date=1990, max_date=2022)
#> Error in data.table::fread(input, select = c("f.eid", paste0("f.40005.", 0:21, ".0"))): File 'path/' does not exist or is non-readable. getwd()=='/omics/groups/OE0136/internal/private/Murat/R_project/UKBBCanR/docs/reference'